Are you searching for good gifts for parents of transgender children? Look no further. I've collected an assortment of gifts that would be appropriate for moms, dads, or guardians. There are no photos of the individual items, so the page will load quickly and not clog down mobile phones, but once I got past the books, I added descriptions. For transparency's sake, the only affiliate links are the ones that link back to Amazon. It doesn't cost you more when you click them, but I want you to know that.
Note: books with an asterisk (*) have a review under the Categories on the right side of the page.
Books for Adults
Raising the Transgender Child by Michelle Angelo
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Gender Identity by Darlene Tando, LCSW (*)
The Gender Identity Guide for Parents by Tavi Hawn, LCSW
Gender: Your Guide - A Gender-Friendly Primer On What to Know, What to Say, and What to Do in the New Gender Culture by Lee Airton, Ph.D. (*) note that this link is to an updated version of this book. I reviewed the original version on my website.
Transgender Kids and Teens : Pride, Joy, and Families in Transition by Elijah C. Neely (*) - note, this book is reviewed under the previous title, Transgender Children and Youth
Beyond the Gender Binary by Alok Vaid-Menon
The Savvy Ally by Jeannie Gainsburg
Parenting Your LGBTQ+ Teen by Allan Sadac
Trans Like Me: Conversations for All Of Us by CN Lester (*)
Transgender History by Susan Stryker
He/She/They: How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters by Schulyer Bailer
Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Dr. Kit Heyam, Ph.D (*)
Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton
Helping Your Transgender Teen, 2nd Ed. by Irwin Krieger
Thriving Through Transition: Self-Care for Parents of Transgender Children: Denise O'Doherty
God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships by Matthew Vines (*)
UNClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality by Colby Martin (*)
Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke (*)
What Does God Think? Transgender People and the Bible by Cheryl B. Evans
God Doesn't Make Mistakes: Confessions of a Transgender Christian by Laurie Suzanne Scott
Outside the Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith by Mihee Kim-Kort
Picture Books
Jack (Not Jackie) by Erica Silverman (*)
My Shadow is Pink by Scott Stuart
What Are Your Words? A Book About Pronouns by Katherine Locke (*)
When Aidan Became a Brother by Kyle Lukoff
It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity by Noah Gringi
Uncle Bobby's Wedding by Sarah Brannen (*)
Rainbow: A First Book of Pride by Michael Genhart, Ph.D (*)
The World Needs More Purple People by Benjamin Hart and Kristen Bell (*)
The World Needs More Purple Schools by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart
Jamie is Jamie: A Book About Being Yourself and Playing Your Way by Afsaneh Moradian
Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love
The Pronoun Book: She, He, They, and Me! by Cassandra Jules Corrigan
Jacob's New Dress by Sarah Hoffman
Jacob's Room to Choose by Sarah Hoffman
Jacob's School Play: Staring He, She, and They by Sarah Hoffman
Eugene the Unicorn: A Kid's Book to Help Start LGBTQ Inclusive Conversations by T. Wheeler
No One Owns the Colors by Gianna Davy
My Guncle and Me by Jonathan Merritt (*)
Board Books
Being You: A First Conversation About Gender by Megan Madison
The Pronoun Book by Chris Ayala-Kronos
We Are the Rainbow! The Colores of Pride by Claire Winslow
Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer (*)
We Are the Rainbow! The Colors of Pride by Riley Samels
Together: A First Conversation About Love by Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli
The Big Book of LGBTQ+ Activities: Teaching Children about Gender Identity, Sexuality, Relationships and Different Families by Amie Taylor (not a picture book, think worksheet size)
Books for Your Older Child or Teen
I Love You Unconditionally: A Journal for LGBTQ+ Children and Teens
Gender Identity Workbook for Teens by Andrew Maxwell Triska, LCSW
Trans Teen Survival Guide by Owl and Fox Fisher
Queer Cheer: Activities, Advice, and Affirmations for LGBTQ+ Teens by Eric Rosswood and Josie Anders
The Every Body Book: The LGBTQ+ Inclusive Guide for Kids About Sex, Gender, Bodies and Families
Beyond Magenta: Transgender and Nonbinary Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
All Boys Aren't Blue by George Johnson
Out of Left Field by Jonah Newman (graphic novel)
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
Parents of Trans Youth 101 Course by Mandy Giles : A pre-recored course for parents at the start of their journey. where you’ll learn basic gender diversity concepts and terms, how to navigate complicated feelings, and practical tips and tools to support your child.
Support Yourself So You Can Support Your Child by Beth Richardson: A self-paced course for parents of transgender children that gives you the tools to learn how to support yourself so you can support your child. This course helps you navigate your next steps. You will work through your emotions in a safe place so you can accept your child’s new gender identity and adjust to a new family configuration. It provides a framework of expectations, understanding that everyone’s experiences are different. By the time you have completed the course, you will learn what it means for your child to be transgender and what it means for you to be the parent of a transgender child.
Navigating the Holidays by Beth Richardson: A self-paced mini-course for parents of transgender children that gives you the tools to survive the first holiday season after your child comes out. This course helps you navigate your holiday gatherings by preparing for them ahead of time. You will work through what to do with personalized items and how to inform family and friends who don’t know your child is transgender. It provides a framework of expectations, understanding that everyone’s experiences are different, and helps you set realistic boundaries. By the time you have completed the course, you will decide what matters regarding the holidays, make space for grief, and have a plan for when it all gets to be too much.
Navigating Church After Your Child Comes Out by Beth Richardson: A self-paced mini-course for parents of transgender children that gives you the tools to sort out how to move forward in your faith community after your child comes out. This course helps you navigate what the Bible says about transgender and LGBTQ+ people and what it doesn’t. You will work through how to know when it’s time to find a new faith community and how to find a new one if that’s what you decide is right for you. It provides a framework of expectations, understanding that everyone’s experiences are different, and helps you set realistic boundaries around encounters with others. By the time you have completed the course, you will understand the difference between open and affirming, and accepting, know what to do if you’re not ready to start over with a new faith community, and have a plan for when people use religion against your child.
Parent Your Trans Child to Thrive by Ari Heart and Jes Anderberg. A self-paced course for parents of transgender children, no matter their age. Includes a 3-month free trial to an online membership community and the option to upgrade to a group program for an increased cost.
My Kid Just Came Out LGBTQ+ (or Transgender) Guide by Rebecca Minor. Rebecca Minor, LICSW is a queer, Jewish clinician, consultant, and educator specializing in the intersection of trauma, gender, and sexuality. As a Gender Specialist, Rebecca partners with trans and gender nonconforming youth through their journey of becoming, and is a guide to their parents in affirming it. She has created two resource guides, one for parents of LGBTQ+ children and one for parents of transgender children, both free, to help them navigate their next steps.
Protect Trans Kids Tee from Pride Mode. This black tee features blue, pink, and white words and a trans-flag-colored heart. It is available in sizes XS to 4X. This shop also sells hoodies and other apparel, lanyards, jewelry, and flags in assorted representations.
I Love My Trans Kid Tee from Etsy. It is a black tee with white words and a trans heart where the V would be in Love. It is available in sizes XS to 5x.
Papa Bear Transgender Hoodie. This hoodie has a white adult bear and a transgender flag color child bear. Under the two bears are white words that read Papa Bear. It is available in four colors in sizes S to 2XL.
Mama Bears Tee Shirt from Zazzle. This grey tee shirt features a rainbow heart and Mama Bears across the front. The heart is the logo of the Mama Bears Facebook Group. It is available in sizes S to 3XL.
Mama Bear Transgender Hoodie from Herivar. It is a black hoodie with a white adult bear and a transgender-flag-colored child Bear. Under the two bears are white words that read Mama Bear. It is available in sizes S to 5XL. There are options to select other styles of tops in this style, from unisex tees to crewneck sweatshirts.
Transgender Bear Logo Tee from Free Mom Hugs. The logo features a big bear hugging a small bear in transgender colors. Multiple shirt colors are available in sizes S to 3XL. Unisex.
Transgender Bear Logo Hoodie from Free Mom Hugs. The logo features a big bear hugging a small bear in transgender colors. Multiple hoodie colors are available in sizes S to 5XL. Unisex.
Proud Dad Tee by Zazzle. This black tee features the words Proud Dad in white and a strip in the transgender flag colors between the words. It is available in sizes S to 6XL.
Love Better Sweatshirt from the Mama Bears via Zazzle. The logo features rainbow lettering with a heart in place of the o in Love. Multiple sweatshirt colors are available in sizes S to 3x. Unisex.
Protect Trans Kid Tee from Parents of Trans Youth. The logo features the words Protect Trans Youth with bursts shooting up from the top left and bottom right. It also features a small Parents of Trans Youth logo on the right sleeve. Multiple tee shirt colors are available in sizes XS to 4X. Unisex.
Trans Kids Deserve the World Tee from Parents of Trans Youth. This dusty purple tee features a pale blue flower logo with a dark blue center with the words Trans Kids around the top and Deserve the World around the bottom, separated by two pale blue hearts on the left and right. It also features a small Parents of Trans Youth logo on the right sleeve. It is available in sizes XS to 2X. Unisex.
Joy is Resistance Tee from Parents of Trans Youth. The logo features the words Joy is Resistance with a sun over the top of it. The tee shirt comes in Navy and white and is available in sizes XS to 5X.
Free Mom Hugs Coffee Mug. This white mug features the Free Mom Hugs bear logo (holding a small rainbow bear) and is available in multiple color options for the handle and inside.
Believe Trans Kids Coffee Mug from Parents of Trans Youth. This white mug features red words reading Believe Trans Youth with pale blue, red, purple, and navy doodles around it.
Trans Rights Are Human Rights Coffee Mug from Etsy. This white mug features a light blue, light pink, and dark pink striped raised fist with the words Trans Rights above it in light blue and Are Human Rights below it in dark pink.
Mama Bear Sticker from Tee Public. The sticker features a white background with two sections, both in black. The top section says Mama with a transgender bear paw above it with two white arrows going through it, and the first A is a transgender flag triangle. The bottom section is a white mama bear, a transgender flag-colored baby bear, and a single white arrow underneath them.
Father Bear Sticker from Tee Public. The sticker features a white background with two sections, both in black. The top section says Father with a transgender bear paw above it with two white arrows going through it, and the first A has a transgender flag triangle. The bottom section is a white father bear, a transgender flag-colored baby bear, and a single white arrow underneath them.
Free Mom Hugs Coffee Mug, Transgender Style. This white mug features the Free Mom Hugs bear logo (holding a small transgender-colored bear) and is available in multiple color options for the handle and inside.
Heart Shaped Pronoun Ornament from Etsy. This wooden ornament is in the colors of the transgender flag that you customize with your person's pronouns. The / is rainbow-colored.
Transgender Garden Flag from Zazzle. The flag is 12"x18." The bracket and pole are not included but are available to purchase.
Transgender Pride Hearts Tote from Zazzle. This cream-colored tote bag is made of 100% cotton. Little colored hearts form the Transgender Pride Flag. It is available in five different handle colors and in five different tote sizes.
Believe Trans Kids Tote from Parents of Trans Youth. This natural-colored tote bag is made of 100% cotton. A Square image features red words reading Believe Trans Youth with pale blue, red, purple, and navy doodles around it. A small red Parents of Trans Youth Logo is beneath the image.
Love is Love is Love Pillow from the Mama Bears via Zazzle. The pillow is 16x16 and is made of polyester. It features rainbow words on a multicolored background.
Superpower Round Car Magnet from the Mama Bears via Zazzle. The white magnet has a drawn rainbow with the words I'm a MamaBear! What's Your superpower? and realmamabears.org in black underneath it.
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