Space to work through your emotions in a safe place so you can make space for grief and have a plan for when it all gets to be too much.


Guidance to navigate your holiday gatherings by preparing for them ahead of time.  


A framework of expectations, understanding that everyone’s experiences are different.


Get the Support You Need 


When your child comes out as transgender, you and your family undergo a lot of change, especially during the first year. Not only that, depending on how old your child is and what they have decided regarding their transition, you may have a lot more change on your horizon. Change is exhausting, and when you add the hustle and bustle of the holiday season on top of that, it can leave you wanting to quit before you even begin.

The Navigating the Holidays Mini-Course gives you the tools you need to survive the first holiday season after your child comes out.

Work At Your Own Pace


By the time you have completed the course, you will decide what matters regarding the holidays, make space for grief, and have a plan for when it all gets to be too much.

This self-paced course contains three modules: The First Holiday Season, Holiday Gatherings With Others, and Make Space For Grief During the Holidays.

Additionally, the purchase of the course comes with access to a private Community.


Purchase the Navigating the Holidays Mini-Course for only $37

What Is the Navigating the Holidays Mini-Course?



The Navigating the Holidays Mini-Course is a three-module online course where you will learn what it means to be the parent of a transgender child who discovers what it looks like to navigate the first holiday season after your child comes out.


In this course, you will navigate your holiday gatherings by preparing for them ahead of time. You will work through what to do with personalized items and how to inform family and friends who don’t know your child is transgender. You’ll get a framework of expectations, understanding that everyone’s experiences are different, and help to set realistic boundaries around encounters with others.


Navigating the holidays after your child comes out can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to be alone on your journey.


You will also be invited into a private Community group where you will get support from other parents of transgender children and me. You can ask questions, share your stories, discuss course topics, or anything else that may be on your mind.


Why Take the Navigating the Holidays Mini-Course?


This is not a course for allies, nor is it for transgender people. Here’s how to know if this course is right for you:

  • You are a parent or caregiver of a transgender child (of any age) AND are unsure what to do next. (I’ve been there too. You’re in the right place. Let’s do this together).
  • You are a parent or caregiver of a transgender child who Google searched ‘holiday boundaries’ AND was overwhelmed by the results. (You too? We’ll cover all you need to know to get started and where you can go to find more information.). 
  • You are a parent or caregiver of a transgender child who wants to honor your child’s new name AND doesn’t know where to begin. (We’ll start with what to do with personalized items and then cover telling family and friends who don’t know). 
  • You are the parent or caregiver of a transgender child who wants to get together with others AND isn’t sure how to navigate all that entails. (We’ll discuss managing expectations and practicing what to say ahead of time to make gatherings less stressful).
  • You are the parent or caregiver of a transgender child, AND you are still carrying feelings of grief as you head into the holidays. (I’m sorry. We’ll discuss this.)

Why You Need This Mini-Course


The first holiday after our children come out as transgender can be overwhelming. Suddenly, a time normally full of joy and celebration is full of stress and grief.

We aren't prepared for the emotions of replacing cherished ornaments or stockings, and holiday gatherings become times of conflict instead of family togetherness and cheer.

Additionally, we don't realize that the holidays will be difficult until we are in the throes of them and having to navigate situations we weren't prepared for. How do we tell people who don't know our children are transgender? What do we do about holiday parties? And what about sending holiday cards and letters?

Questions like these are why I created this mini-course. Let me tell you about it in this video.


Navigating the holidays after your child comes out can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go at it alone.


Purchase the Navigating the Holidays Mini-Course for $37